Left Braunston today and as we approached the first lock, I was informed by the lockkeeper that a boat was coming backwards down the lock, so would we mind waiting. I went and warned Andy and sure enough eventually this man appeared walking the boat backwards with the centre rope tied around his waist! It took him forever to get the boat in the lock, he appeared to have no steering. On speaking to the lockkeeper it became clear he had been to a beer festival at the pub above the lock and was now returning to his mooring below the lock and the easiest away for him was backwards! He was well hungover and looking at the mug of cider on his back cabin he was still drinking!! A second lockkeeper arrived and decided to go and "have words" with the boater, regarding the safe steering of a boat under the influence of alchohol!!
Another boat joined us and we came up the lock flight with hire boat "The Andrew" from Calcutt. These boats (think there might be more than one) are hired out to navel personnel and their families, and are run as a charity I think, I might be wrong. Well!!! If the man coming up the flight is current member of the naval service , God help us!
He had a young boy, his son with him, and at the start of the flight sent the boy to do the paddles. He was about 8 years old. No way could he have done the paddles. Luckily the C&RT lockkeeper was on hand and he did the lock with me. He was so worried about this boy that he told the boat to get inside his boat with daddy and proceeded to do the whole flight of six with me. We had a great laugh, he had a good sense of humour! The man on "The Andrew" did not talk to Andy at all and spent most of the flight on texting or phoning on his mobile. I did not even get a thank you! He was the most ignorant, arrogant person I have met. What a good start to Monday morning!
Headed up the Leicester Arm and arrived at the Watford flight. We reported in with the lockkeeper and there was a queue of about an hour and a half, so we had some lunch whilst we waited for 5 boats to come down the staircase. Our turn next. As we turned the corner I met a woman who instantly said 'I know you, we've met before' . We both recognised each other but where from?? She and her husband had met us earlier this year (May 20th) on the Buckby flight as we were going down to London and we shared a pint at the New Inn at the top of the flight. Their narrowboat is called Sylvia and they were heading down to the Thames but as yet undecided which route to take. They helped us up the flight, a very nice couple who moor at Yelvertoft. Such a shame we can't remember their names!!
Mr nb 'Sylvia' |
Me and 'Mrs nb Sylvia' |
Andy and Mrs 'nb Sylvia' |
Go girl go! |
Nice pics mum!