Arrived here lunchtime today, having set off about 9.30. from a lovely mooring at Wistow.The seven double width locks were quite hard work as the lock gates would not stay closed and I had to keep going back or approaching an empty lock and closing gates first. This involved a lot of extra walking around the locks! I am sorry to say in the end I gave up and left the gates open that refused to stay shut.
As we approached Kilby a lady jogger went past us, thought nothing of it as we often see these keep fit types. As we came around the bend she was running back towards us looking a bit distressed. She hailed us over to the bank and asked for a lift! There was a swan around the bend with 6 signets who was naturally protecting them and the jogger could not get around the 'mum'.(Hen?)
She hopped on and we took her twenty yards around the bend and put her back on dry land. She said we had saved her a six mile run back around the way she had come! This must have the shortest trip we have ever given anyone!
Now moored up for the day. Weather lovely, hardly any rain forecast in the next few days. We hope to do Leicester tomorrow, but have been advised by several boaters that it is not safe to moor overnight in Leicester (apart from a gated section in the centre, but as we are not sure how many boats it takes). So we are planning a long day, starting about 6.00 a.m and hopefully we will have done the 20 locks and 10 miles by late afternoon. Watch this space!
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